D’Orsogna was established in West Perth in 1949 by the D’Orsogna family. Today the business manufactures hams, bacon, salami, sausages, knobs,  and other continental products. Since this time the business steadily grown to become a market leader in the food industry.

SAF partner Cherry Energy Solutions introduced D’Orsogna to SAF and the unique terms of our finance.

The EUA was signed in April 2019, paving the way for the the installation of 999kW roof mount solar PV system.

D’Orsogna felt that it made sense to utilise the vast roof space for the creation of their own energy supply, and make a strong public commitment to sustainability.

With a ten year term the project was cashflow from year two.


  • Cashflow positive from year two
  • Annual savings of $210,197
  • 1883 tons of emissions abated annually

“The 8500 square metres of rooftop solar powers a one megawatt system that will greatly reduce operating costs and carbon emission on site”

Tony Iannello, Chairman, D’Orsogna

Other Success Stories

Impact Investment Group

Since completing the renovations, Impact has successfully tenanted the building to co-working franchise WeWork on a 15-year contract.


Integrity Fruit

Funding a solar installation via an EUA (environmental upgrade agreement) was Peter’s best bet. But with little knowledge of solar systems – and how to finance them – Peter was unsure where to look for advice….


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    Now Available

    New Fast Track Green Loan now available!

    Our new Fast Track Green loan will deliver more speed, greater flexibility, and extra choices for our customers.

    This includes:

    + Accelerated approval: With our Fast Track Green Loan, eligible businesses can secure up to $200,000 without the need to submit financials for faster approvals.

    + Fixed and Variable Rate Interest Options: All our eligible businesses can now choose an SAF green loan, including out Fast Track Green Loan with either a fixed or variable interest rate, providing the flexibility in funding you deserve.

    Find out more and apply today!